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2015年起 签证申请费上涨50%

2014-12-18 15:10| 发布者: old_acnw | 评论: 0



The Department has announced a 50%
increase to application fees for partner visa subclasses from1 January 2015.

309/100境外配偶移民签证(Provisional and Permanent Partner Visa)—从$3085将上涨至$4627.50
未婚夫妻签证(Prospective marriage visa)—从$3085将上涨至$4627.50
820/801 境内配偶移民签证(Temporary and permanent partner visas)—从$4575将上涨至$6865.50
现在想通过配偶移民澳洲的朋友应该抓住这次涨价前的最后机会,尽早去办理相关材料,提交签证申请。( 圣诞假期期间也可提交签证申请!)

How much will a Partner or Prospective Marriage visa cost?
There has been a 50 per cent increase to most partner Visa Application Charges. We areunable to provide you with an estimate of your fees as this amount will varybased on your circumstances. Updated pricing information will be availablethrough the visa pricing estimator shortly.

What if I have already lodged myapplication?
The new feewill apply to Partner visa applications lodged on, or after 1 January 2015.
This increase will not affect you if you have lodged a valid application priorto 1 January 2015.

What other options are available if Ican't afford the increased VAC?
You mightconsider applying for a visa under the skilled stream, which generally hasquicker processing times. Visit our SkillSelect area on our website to see ifthere is a skilled visa option for you.

Why has the cost of a partner visabeen increased?
This was adecision made by the Government in order to fund whole-of-government policypriorities.

Can I receive financial assistance topay the VAC? Can the VAC be waived?
The department does not offer any financial assistance to visa applicants. Youmight consider seeking assistance from family and friends or a financialinstitution. The VAC is a substantial cost for most couples to bear, it is alegislative requirement that the visa application charge be paid for theapplication to be valid. No assessment of a visa application can be made beforethe appropriate charges have been paid. Furthermore, there is no provision towaive, reduce, or pay a Partner or Prospective Marriage VAC in instalments.



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